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2024.05.23🏀Notice of Sports Day🏀

We will again hold 「🏀an outdoor sports day🏀」 for parents and children to participate on the following date. Parents are invited to actively participate and play games with their children before, during, and after the event. Children will be able to move their bodies to their heart’s content and have fun with their friends, parents, and guardians. We want to deepen the friendships between friends, parents, and staff. Parents are required to participate in all activities on the day, so please be sure to wear comfortable clothes. Details are as follows:

Deaino-hiroba in Kinuta Park (1-1 Kinutakouen, Setagaya-ku)
■Date and Time
10:00-14:00 Thursday, May 30th *We will meet and dismiss there.
Outdoor activity in the morning & Lunch activity in the afternoon
■Things to bring school
Cap, lunch, drink bottle, tarpaulin, towel, and a change of clothes

※In case of postponement due to rain, an alternative day has been set on Friday, May 31st.
sports day